Ο ονειροκρίτης ερμηνεύει τα όνειρα σας


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Ονειροκρίτης ρακί

Αν δείτε στον ύπνο σας ότι πίνετε ρακί, προσέξτε μην εμπλακείτε σε διενέξεις και καυγάδες από τους οποίους μόνο ζημιωμένος θα βγείτε.

Αν δείτε ότι προσφέρετε ή σας προσφέρουν ρακί, σημαίνει πως είστε χαρακτήρας που, αναλόγως εύκολα στήνει ή εύκολα του στήνουν τρικλοποδιές στη ζωή.


Το ούζο είναι ένα ποτό που στα όνειρα προμηνύει πάντοτε δυσαρέσκειες και καυγάδες. Αν δείτε ότι πίνετε ούζο, προσέξτε μήπως τα κλονισμένα νεύρα σας γίνουν αιτία να διαλυθεί ένας ικανοποιητικός ερωτικός δεσμός σας.

Relevant entries from the dream dictionary :

  • Teeth in dream interpretation have a corresponding meaning to the condition they are in.

    If you dream that you have strong teeth, it is a sign of joy, satisfaction, and happiness.

    Teeth in poor condition signify danger and failures.

  • The path, while in a dream, symbolizes the choices we have or will make in our lives.

    So if you see that the path you are walking is dark, narrow, inaccessible and full of bad emotions, then some of your choices will lead you to dangerous situations.

  • The dog is considered man's best companion.

    In dreams, the presence of a dog has a special interpretation depending on the situation in which the encounter with the dog evolved.

  • A symbolic dream, the plow, is traditionally interwoven with the hard work and the expected returns from it.

    If you saw a plow in you dream, it means unexpected success in your business affairs.

    Seeing people plow means activity and momentum in learning.

  • A pregnant woman in dreams is always a good sign and signifies prosperity and emotional fulfillment. If you see a pregnant woman giving birth in your dream, you will have great success in your professional life. An ambitious plan of yours may come to fruition and give you particular joy.

  • Babies usually represent our nurturing side.

    The most usual dream interpretation, according to traditional dream textbooks, about holding a baby in your arms is a warning for bad news and sadness to come.

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